World leader in the production of machines and integrated systems for processing wood, glass and stone.
The Challenge
The Group, as part of its sustainabilityand efficiency program, has decided to upgrade the lighting system of the Pesaro plant through a LED lighting solution.
Before the intervention were installed traditional technology lamps with a total power installed of 496 kW. The old lighting system yearly consumed 939 200 kWh with high energy and maintenance costs.
The purpose of the intervention is to improve the visibility, sustainability and safety at the workplace, while providing a significant reduction in electricity consumption.
The Solution
The lighting project has foreseen the reduction of the number of luminaires installed for a total power of 90 kW and the total annual consumption estimated at 170,600 kWh.
The energy consumption has been reduced over 80% with reductions in operating costs and of the environmental impact.
The intervention was in third-party financing provided by the ESCo TerniEnergia.
Energy savings
Tons of CO2 saved to the Planet
Visual comfort and proper lighting
Partner for the lighting solution
Pre intervention
Installed power
491,23 kW
Yearly consumption
1.001.559 kWh
Lighting levels not comply with the standards
Ambienti non correttamente illuminati, possibilità di infortuni, incidenti, errori
Post intervention
Installed power
99,32 kW
Yearly consumption
208.726 kWh
Visual comfort and safety. Proper lighting, complies with standard
Gradimento ambiente di lavoro, maggior sicurezza e miglioramento delle prestazioni degli operatori
Excellent result
Increase of lighting levels and energy performance of the plant. The visual comfort is improved, the light is uniform and the visibility is increased in accordance with the requirements and standards, respecting the different visual tasks. The work environment and outdoor areas are safer and more productive.
The 81% energy saving and long life of the luminaires also contributed to ensuring a return on investment in three years.