Efficient foundry for environmental protection
The Challenge
Foundries are critical environments for lighting. The high temperatures and the high concentration of dust, subjecting the lighting fixtures to aggressive atmospheres and vibrations that might compromise its lighting performance.
Environmental conditions and temperature, especially in smelting areas causing frequent breakdowns to the lighting system that require continuous maintenance to ensure the appropriate lighting levels.
FONDAR SpA wanted to found a reliable solution to increase efficiency in the workplace, improve visibility and safety for operators and pursue its goals of sustainability and efficiency.
The Solution
Greenled Industry has proposed VOLTA luminaires for this specific environment.
VOLTA is a superior performance and reliable luminaire, designed just for industrial areas with critical conditions, with temperatures up to + 75 ° C.
Thanks to the power supply and the construction technology developed specifically to ensure maximum strength, VOLTA ensures the best luminous flux for over 150,000 hours.
Hours of luminous flux
Environmental sustainability
Visual comfort and proper lighting for visual tasks
Partner for the best lighting solution
Pre intervention
Frequently luminaires failures for high temperatures
Non è assicurato il corretto illuminamento
Inefficient lighting and lighting levels not comply with standard
Ambiente non correttamente illuminato a causa di apparecchi guasti o coperti di polveri, difficili da sostituire o pulire
Risk of injuries and accidents
La scarsa illuminazione non consente agli operatori di lavorare in sicurezza
Post intervention
Reduction of maintenance need
Grazie alla lunga durata e all’elevata resistenza degli apparecchi Greenled Industry
Efficient lighting and proper lighting, complies with standards
Miglioramento del comfort visivo e della sicurezza dell’ambiente di lavoro
Riduction of energy consumption and of carbon footprint
Riduzione dell’energia consumata e rispetto dell’ambiente

Excellent result
Increase lighting levels and energy performance of the plant. The visual comfort is improved, the light is uniform and the visibility is increased in accordance with the requirements and standards, respecting the different visual tasks. Operators can work safely.
Greenled Industry is a pioneer in LED lighting for critical industrial applications.
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